
PARALUTION contains Krylov subspace solvers (CR, CG, BiCGStab, GMRES, IDR), Multigrid (GMG, AMG), Deflated PCG, Fixed-point iteration schemes, Mixed-precision schemes and fine-grained parallel preconditioners based on splitting, ILU factorization with levels, multi-elimination ILU factorization, additive Schwarz and approximate inverse. The library also provides iterative eigenvalue solvers.

Multi-platform Support
The library can be compiled under Linux/Unix-like , Windows and Mac OS. PARALUTION provides multi-core CPU/Host (OpenMP), NVIDIA GPU (CUDA, OpenCL), AMD GPU (OpenCL), Intel Xeon Phi/MIC (OpenCL, OpenMP/offload mode) support, including VS (Visual Studio) gcc (GNU C++) and icc (Intel C++) compilers.
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10 Reasons to Try PARALUTION!
- Open Source / Dual License Model
- Easy to use
- No special hardware/library required
- Generic and robust design
- Various iterative solvers/preconditioners
- Portable code and results
- Supports many sparse matrix formats
- Extendable backends (new hardware)
- Seamless integration