Report on Block-Preconditioner – ABAQUS, Trilinos, PARALUTION and AGMG
“Parallel Performance Study of Block-Preconditioned Iterative Methods on Multicore Computer Systems” Ali Dorostkar, Dimitar Lukarski, Björn Lund, Maya Neytcheva, Yvan Notay, Peter Schmidt
Two papers on ME-ILU preconditioners
“Multi-Elimination ILU Preconditioners on GPUs” Dimitar Lukarsk, Hartwig Anzt, Stanimire Tomov, Jack Dongarra
PARALUTION at GTC 2014, 27th March, San Jose
We will present our current development in direction of MPI and multi-GPU support at the GTC conference in San Jose.
PARALUTION at SC13, 20th Nov, Denver, USA The talk has been recorded and it is available on
PARALUTION is listed as a GPU-Accelerated Library on NVIDIA’s webpage
PARALUTION at OpenFOAM Meeting (NL) Sept 17, 2013
“Fine-grained parallel iterative solvers in OpenFOAM – utilizing multi-core and GPU devices with PARALUTION” More information on the OpenFOAM (NL) group page or Delft TU / Seminar
PARALUTION in NVIDIA Talk at GTC, San Jose, California, April 2013
NVIDIA presented various GPU libraries at the GTC 2013 (San Jose) and PARALUTION is one of them! S3461A: CUDA Accelerated Compute Libraries [44:40]
PARALUTION at “GPU-enabled numerical libraries” course DD22, Switzerland, Lugano, Sept 2013
Tutorial about PARALUTION will be held at the pre-conference course “GPU-enabled numerical libraries” / 22nd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD22). More information on
PARALUTION at “Heterogeneous Computing” Summer School, Sweden, June 2013
Lecture and tutorial about the PARALUTION project will be hold at the summer school “Heterogeneous computing – impact on algorithms”, Uppsala Sweden 3-7 June 2013. More information on the web site of the school